By: Lauren Young, Founder of Sweet LaLa’s
As we enter the New Year, we all have resolutions we wish to achieve. The most popular resolutions, of course, are getting into shape and losing weight, but the thought of stepping on a scale is something many of us like to avoid.
But, not all scales are bad. Hear me out.
Sure, it’s hard knowing when you bake out of a kitchen daily that tasting good food will add up on any waistline, but the value of a scale in a kitchen is not to be underestimated.
Scales are essential.
An okay cup of espresso can become a standout drink when the grind of the espresso bean is weighed and brewed to perfection. A mixer full of unlike things, weighed for their purpose in the recipe, will adhere together in the most beautiful way. To get the perfect shot, you must know the weight of the grinds. To get the best cookie, you must weigh the dry ingredients. It may be basic, but it’s a necessary step in ensuring the outcome is what you expected. Too much flour, the product is dry and crumbly. Not enough flour, the dough won’t form together. Too many grinds, you will taste the bitterness. Not enough grinds, it will be coffee flavored water.
Consider giving yourself the break you deserve from the scales that make you feel less or make you feel more.
There is an expression with a kitchen scale to zero out the weight you begin with to get the true weight of the product you use. This allows you to start over. Once you place the container that holds the product, you can zero out the weight and only measure what gets added.
We all have that option. We hold more than we should sometimes. We may need to zero out and get back to where we started. Empty out everything that’s not supposed to be there and stand yourself back up.
Set the kitchen scale on the counter as your reminder that you can weigh exactly what you need for the moment you are in and that is enough. Happy New Year!
Make Life Sweeter!
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